Learning about the
Legion of Mary 

The following talks were recorded during the Philadelphia Senatus Centenary event
held on Sept 23, 24, 25 2022.
What the LOM does, some witness talks and training/workshops about the Legion of Mary system.

To view the Workshop Videos, scroll on the page below.
May also be viewed through the Legion's YouTube Channel

A Witness

The Legion of Mary as the hands and feet of our Lady and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fr. Addisalem Mekonnen (rip), Spiritual Director of the Philadelphia Senatus, talks about his own experience on the fruits and persistence of home visitation, street evangelization and devotion to the Eucharist.

This video ends with a short introduction to Marian and Eucharistic miracles around the world.   
(8min 54sec)

More videos from the workshop below!  (scroll down)

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The Spiritual Director 

Fr. Gillespie discusses the
Role of the Spiritual Director in the Legion of Mary.
(42min 32sec)

Spirituality of the Legion Meeting
- part 1

Start the meeting by praying the Rosary (on our knees)
(40min 27sec)

Spirituality of the Legion Meeting
- part 2

2nd Half of the Legion Meeting starting with the Catena.
Ending the meeting with our Concluding Prayer (on our knees again)
(46min 48sec)

The Rosary - a Legionary Devotion

Fr. Gillespie discusses the devotion to Mary.
How we express our devotion by praying the Rosary
(37min 58sec)

Elements of the
Legionary Devotion to Mary

Fr. Gillespie discusses why we are devoted to Mary.
He ends his talk with Mary and the Miraculous Medal
(58min 39sec)

The 5 Marks of True Devotion

Fr. Gillespie discusses the 5 Marks of True Devotion to Mary
(49min 58sec)

La Finalidad de la Legion De Maria

A discussion in Spanish. 
Fr. Gillespie discusses the Main Points and Purpose of the Legion of Mary
(42min 57sec)

Resumen de la Devocion Legionaria

A discussion in Spanish.

A Summary of the Legionary Devotion
(44min 42sec)

The Essence of the Legion of Mary
- Unpacking the Standing Instructions

 1 and 2

Legionary duty requires from each legionary:

First, the punctual and regular attendance at the weekly meetings of the praesidium, and the furnishing there of an adequate and audible report on the work done;

Second, the daily recitation of the Catena;

(41min 34sec)

The Essence of the Legion of Mary
- Unpacking the Standing Instructions

3 and 4

Legionary duty requires from each legionary:

Third, the performance of a substantial active legionary work, in the spirit of faith, and in union with Mary, in such fashion that in those worked for and in one’s fellow-members, the Person of our Lord is once again seen and served by Mary, his Mother; 

Fourth, absolute respect for the confidential nature of many matters discussed at the meeting or learned in connection with the legionary work.

(44min 43sec)