Legion of Mary Curia
Email: legionofmaryallentown@gmail.com
QUICK Links to the Legion of Mary events around the Diocese of Allentown.
Rosary Rallies / Novena <---- monthly rosary
(1st Saturday of each month, multiple church locations)
Patrician - Faith Sharing Group
100 Year Anniversary Mass with Bishop Schlert
Nov 12, 2022 - 100th Anniversary CLOSING MASS
Annual Evangelization Day St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
(details posted near event date)
Featured Events
On Saturday, April 9, 2022 (Event successfully completed)
Evangelization Day
St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
2810 St. Albans Drive
Reading PA 19608
7:40am Rosary
Teams were sent 2 by 2 to surrounding neighborhoods around the whole Berks County, inviting parishioners (including others) and providing the Holy Week schedule. Several religious articles on the Eucharist, Baptism, information about the Catholic faith, miraculous medals, the rosaries and the church bulletin were distributed. This is a wonderful way of sharing our faith.
Save the date for NEXT Year. Before Palm Sunday: Saturday April 1, 2023
If interested, Contact email : legionofmaryallentown@gmail.com
Annual Rosary Procession
Saturday, October 2022
St. Peter the Apostle Church
ROSARY Procession through Reading
Those wanting to participate, gather in the Chapel 9:45 AM
Those unable to process may remain in the Chapel and pray
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will be in the Chapel
The procession will end in the Chapel for Benediction
Please remember your walking shoes and Rosary
In case of rain we will stay in the Chapel
Saint Mary's Catholic Church, activities hall.
14833 Kutztown Rd, Kutztown, PA 19530
Monday, Dec 6 Event successfully completed
Pot luck style. Come with your favorite dish to share. Curia will provide drinks and wares.
Prepare with something to present, skit, song, fun games, etc.
Thanksgiving Mass
Celebrated by His Excellency,
The Most Rev. Alfred A. Schlert, Bishop of Allentown
at the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena
1825 W Turner St, Allentown, PA 18104
Event successfully completed
Stay tuned for event video / summary here>>>
Thank you for praying the
To watch again and start your own novena:
-click-> Legion Web Site
-click-> YouTube Channel
Join us on our Monthly Rosary Rally
details here >>>
O Mary, conceived without sin.
Pray for us who have recourse to you.