Celebrate St. Joseph

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CONSECRATION to Saint Joseph:  The Wonder of Our Spiritual Father

See details below.

Preparation for:  Consecration to Saint Joseph

Meetings Dates:   event concluded. 
We will schedule another consecration program in the future

St. Ignatius Loyola Parish
2810 St. Albans Drive. Sinking Spring, PA 19608 phone: 610-678-3767

Daily reading assignments and discussions ...........

Day of Consecration:  Feast of Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Location:  tbd  
Note: We are encouraged to attend the 8:00 AM Mass that day.

Material to be used:  
CONSECRATION to Saint Joseph:  The Wonder of Our Spiritual Father
by Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC

ISBN: 978-1-59614-431-6
available for purchase @ consecrationtostjoseph.org
or at St Ignatius Loyola rectory (while supplies last)

Malvern Retreat House invites you to a powerful night of spiritual renewal!

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>>> Malvern Retreat House Celebrate St. Joseph (celebratestjoseph.net) <<<

Keynote Speaker

Father Chris Walsh

Father Chris Walsh has been the Pastor of St. Raymond of Penafort Church in Northwest Philadelphia since 2008 and was named Chaplain of Bishop McDevitt High School in 2018.  Prior to St. Raymond he was the School Minister at Archbishop Wood High School, Parochial Vicar at Our Lady of Ransom and spent many years working with Saint Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity in the South Bronx of New York City.  Raised in Chester County, he is a graduate of Bishop Shanahan High School and Temple University.  He worked in metal health with the Devereux Foundation for three years prior to entering St. Charles Borromeo Seminary.  Father Chris was ordained a Deacon in 1998 and a Priest in 1999.  He received training in the Spiritual Exercises at the Jesuit Center at Wernersville and has preached retreats and days of recollection throughout the country.  In addition to his parish duties, Father Chris is blessed to serve with the Catholic Leadership Institute providing Leadership Training to parish leaders across the county; he is currently Chairman of the Board of the Pro-Life Union of Greater Philadelphia and actively participates in missionary work in Central Uganda.