Concillium Extracts
Legion of Mary Monthly News
from around the world
Concilium Extracts for February 2025
PHILIPPINES - Mindanao Senatus - The Spiritual Director encouraged all legionaries to practice True Devotion to Mary. The importance of pre-council officers’ meetings was stressed. Cagayan de Oro Regia celebrated “Legion Awareness Month” in July with activities of recruitment, home visitation, book-barrow apostolate and distribution of the three causes prayers. Nazareth Comitium organized an Auxiliary Rally. A praesidium with seven (7) members, seven (7) praetorians arranged baptism for twenty-one (21) children and three (3) adults, seven (7) people prepared for confirmation and eight (8) children prepared for First Holy Communion. Two hundred and forty- six (246) adults were taught the Catechism as a first step in preparation for baptism.
SOUTH AFRICA - Cape Town Senatus - It is reported that the new praesidium in Bellville is now operational. A successful back-to-basics workshop was held in September, leaving legionaries feeling re-energized and eager to continue their work. Several praesidia marked Our Lady’s birthday on September 8 with various celebrations, including one that organized a recruitment drive, celebrated Holy Mass, and set up a gazebo adorned with a statue of Mary, surrounded by flowers. A Curia, consisting of nine (9) praesidia with sixty- three (63) active members and one hundred and forty-six (146) auxiliaries, conducted a range of activities, including visits to bereaved families, street evangelization, Catechism and preparation for baptism classes, Faith formation sessions, and organizing of a Marian concert in October. It is also reported that a praesidium launched the “Make Our Mother Known” project, where legionaries distributed handmade Rosaries and information leaflets.
(Spanish Translation) * * * * * * * * * *
ALLENTOWN CURIA - Extractos de Concilium para febrero de 2025
FILIPINAS - Mindanao Senatus - El Director Espiritual animó a todos los legionarios a practicar la Verdadera Devoción a María. Se subrayó la importancia de las reuniones de funcionarios previas al consejo. Cagayan de Oro Regia celebró el "Mes de Concientización de la Legión" en julio con actividades de reclutamiento, visitas a domicilio, apostolado de carretera y distribución de las oraciones de las tres causas. El Comité de Nazaret organizó un Mitin Auxiliar. Un presidium con siete (7) miembros, siete (7) pretorios organizaron el bautismo para veintiún (21) niños y tres (3) adultos, siete (7) personas se prepararon para la confirmación y ocho (8) niños se prepararon para la Primera Santa Comunión. A los doscientos cuarenta y seis (246) adultos se les enseñó el Catecismo como primer paso en la preparación para el bautismo.
SUDÁFRICA - Senado de Ciudad del Cabo - Se informa que el nuevo presidium en Bellville ya está operativo. En septiembre se celebró un exitoso taller de regreso a lo básico, dejando a los legionarios sintiéndose revitalizados y ansiosos por continuar su trabajo. Varias presidencias celebraron el cumpleaños de Nuestra Señora el 8 de septiembre con varias celebraciones, incluida una que organizó una campaña de reclutamiento, celebró la Santa Misa e instaló un mirador adornado con una estatua de María, rodeada de flores. Una Curia, que consta de nueve (9) presidias con sesenta y tres (63) miembros activos y ciento cuarenta y seis (146) auxiliares, llevó a cabo una serie de actividades, incluyendo visitas a familias afligidas, evangelización callejera, Catecismo y preparación para clases de bautismo, sesiones de formación de fe y organización de un concierto mariano en octubre. También se informa que un presidium lanzó el proyecto "Make Our Mother Known", donde los legionarios distribuyeron rosarios hechos a mano y folletos informativos.
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Concilium Extracts for December 2024
ASIA – SOUTH KOREA - Gwanju Senatus: One comitium reported on a special project in an area where, following urban renewal, a large number of apartment blocks had been built. As a result of legionary visitation, ninety-nine (99) people were enrolled in catechism class, fifty-seven (57) were baptized, three hundred and fifty-nine (359) returned to the sacraments and many active and auxiliary members were gained. A curia in a rural area carried out a work of True Devotion to the Nation and promoted membership by getting involved in environmental activities such as clearing up rubbish.
EUROPE – UKRAINE - The statistics for the country show that the situation has stabilized overall, even though some Councils are suffering badly from the departure of the younger generation. The Councils are now aware of the concept of working in pairs and the legionaries are now striving to implement this idea. It has been reported that thirteen (13) new people have now made the Legion promise and a new praesidium of seven (7) members was established. After years of effort, the legionaries are delighted to have received the Imprimatur for the 33 steps.
(Spanish Translation) * * * * * * * * * *
ALLENTOWN CURIA: Concilium Extractos para Diciembre de 2024
ASIA - COREA DEL SUR - Gwanju Senatus: Un comitium informó sobre un proyecto especial en una zona donde, a raíz de la renovación urbana, se había construido un gran número de bloques de apartamentos. Como resultado de la visita legionaria, noventa y nueve (99) personas se inscribieron en la clase de catecismo, cincuenta y siete (57) se bautizaron, trescientos cincuenta y nueve (359) volvieron a los sacramentos y se ganaron muchos miembros activos y auxiliares. Una curia de una zona rural llevó a cabo un trabajo de Verdadera Devoción a la Patria y promovió la afiliación implicándose en actividades medioambientales como la limpieza de basuras.
EUROPA - UCRANIA - Las estadísticas del país muestran que la situación se ha estabilizado en general, aunque algunos Consejos están sufriendo mucho por la marcha de la generación más joven. Los Consejos conocen ahora el concepto de trabajo por parejas y los legionarios se esfuerzan por ponerlo en práctica. Se ha informado de que trece (13) nuevas personas han hecho ahora la promesa de la Legión y se ha establecido un nuevo presídium de siete (7) miembros. Después de años de esfuerzo, los legionarios están encantados de haber recibido el Imprimatur para los 33 pasos.
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Concilium Extracts for November 2024
AFRICA – MALAWI - Maula Senatus - Praesidia are regularly visited by their higher councils. Reports show extension drives, marriage ratification, visiting the sick, aged, orphans, and bereaved, aftercare of auxiliaries, Catechism instruction, visiting lapsed Catholics and legionaries and arranging requiem Mass for departed legionaries. Legionaries also organize Catechism classes for children whose parents are not Catholic. A new praesidium was established among small Christian communities where some Christians had previously burnt Bibles and liturgical books.
EUROPE – MALTA - Malta Regia - Praesidia reports: Immaculate Heart of Mary praesidium is engaging in a good apostolate at the Seaport where those on board the ships are met and encouraged in their faith. Mass is said on board when a priest is available. The praesidium in Qawra is doing well and the legionaries have resumed their apostolate in Mount Carmel hospital. Visitation of the Little Sisters of The Poor residential home is done by the junior legionaries.
(Spanish Translation) * * * * * * * * * *
ALLENTOWN CURIA Extractos de Concilium para Noviembre de 2024
ÁFRICA - MALAWI - Maula Senatus - Praesidia son visitados regularmente por sus consejos superiores. Los informes muestran impulsos de extensión, ratificación del matrimonio, visitas a enfermos, ancianos, huérfanos y afligidos, cuidado posterior de los auxiliares, instrucción del Catecismo, visitas a católicos y legionarios cadios caducados de requiem para legionarios disminados. Los legionarios también organizan clases de catecismo para niños cuyos padres no son católicos. Se estableció un nuevo presidencia entre las pequeñas comunidades cristianas donde algunos cristianos habían quemado previamente Biblias y libros litúrgicos.
EUROPA - MALTA - Malta Regia - Praesidia informa: El Immaculate Heart of Mary praesidium está participando en un buen apostolado en el puerto marítimo, donde los que están a bordo de los barcos son atentados y animados en su fe. La misa se dice a bordo cuando hay un sacerdote disponible. El presidencia de Qawra está bien y los legionarios han reanudado su apostolado en el hospital Mount Carmel. La visita a la residencia de las Hermanitas de los Pobres es hecha por los legionarios menores.
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Concilium Extracts for October 2024
EUROPE – SPAIN - Madrid Senatus: The Senatus body has accepted the caretakership of councils attached to the former Barcelona Senatus. This is extremely generous as it entails an extra workload to their own extensive area. Many praesidia and councils report gaining new active members. A group of auxiliary members meet each day after Mass to pray the rosary. It was suggested to them that they might become active members. A praesidium who have an enclosed community of nuns as adjutorian members hold their praesidium meeting once a year in the convent with all their adjutorians present. Home visitation is done in apartment blocks in the city center. This year the Legion Standard was carried in the public streets for the Corpus Christi Procession.
NORTH AMERICA – CANADA - Toronto Senatus: The 90th anniversary of Toronto Senatus will be celebrated on 7th September. In Scarborough comitium, sixty-two (62) legionaries did a Columban Drive resulting in a praesidium of fourteen (14) members. Follow-up continues with sixty (60) other people who had signed up. Another praesidium visited a school to explain Adoration to children. Subsequently, the teachers brought three (3) classes to weekly Adoration for twenty minutes where legionaries led a decade of the Rosary.
(Spanish Translation) * * * * * * * * * *
ALLENTOWN CURIA Extractos de Concilium para Octubre de 2024
EUROPA - ESPAÑA - Senado de Madrid: El órgano del Senado ha aceptado la tutela de los consejos adscritos al antiguo Senado de Barcelona. Esto es extremadamente generoso, ya que implica una carga de trabajo adicional para su propia área extensa. Muchas presidencias y consejos informan que están ganando nuevos miembros activos. Un grupo de miembros auxiliares se reúne todos los días después de la misa para rezar el rosario. Se les sugirió que podrían convertirse en miembros activos. Un presidium que tiene una comunidad cerrada de monjas como miembros ajutorianos mantiene su reunión de presidium una vez al año en el convento con todos sus ajutorianos presentes. Las visitas a domicilio se realizan en bloques de apartamentos en el centro de la ciudad. Este año, el Estandarte de la Legión se llevó a las calles públicas para la Procesión Corpus Christi.
AMÉRICA DEL NORTE - CANADÁ - Senado de Toronto: El 90 aniversario del Senado de Toronto se celebrará el 7 de septiembre. En el comité de Scarborough, sesenta y dos (62) legionarios hicieron un Columban Drive, lo que resultó en un presidenciario de catorce (14) miembros. El seguimiento continúa con otras sesenta (60) personas que se habían inscrito. Otro presidencia visitó una escuela para explicar la adoración a los niños. Posteriormente, los maestros llevaron tres (3) clases a la Adoración semanal durante veinte minutos, donde los legionarios lideraron una década del Rosario.
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Concilium Extracts for July 2024
Panama Regia
Young children are set up in small groups and taught their prayers and encouraged to do some small apostolate with a view to preparing them for junior membership at a later stage. After Enthronement of their home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a family experienced great health improvement. Street contact work is done and legionaries were welcomed on home visitation.
Costa Rica Senatus
Reports indicate lively participation at the Senatus meetings with suggestions and questions from the body. Praesidia which discontinued to function are being reactivated and extension is carried out in new areas. Among the range of works of an attached Curia is the carrying out of works in the spirit of True Devotion to the Nation (TDN), with particular regard to the elderly, and those who live alone. The praesidia keep regular contact with the auxiliary members.
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(Spanish Translation)
not available - sorry
Concilium Extracts for June 2024
NORTH AMERICA - HAITI - Haiti Senatus consists of nine (9) Comitia, six (6) Curiae and seven (7) directly attached praesidia.
Because of the huge instability in the country, meeting venues have had to change or close temporarily. Prayers are requested for legionaries in this area. Despite this, minutes up to March gave details of home, hospital, nursing home and prison visitation, meeting people of many different religions, including practitioners of vodou. They organize Legion of Mary for juniors, teach Catechism, and accompany priests on sick calls.
AFRICA - Uganda – The Uganda Senatus has adopted the theme: “Praesidium: serving Mary, saving souls” for 2024.
Their goal is to empower each praesidium to become a living embodiment of Mary’s presence in the Legion and in the world. Two Curiae in Hoima diocese were raised to Comitia. A Rosary Crusade was organized by Tororo Comitium with over one thousand (1,000) legionaries in attendance. There are two (2) Regiae in Uganda. Kabale Regia has over forty- two thousand (42,000) legionaries, forty- two thousand and nine hundred (42,900) auxiliaries, over four thousand (4,000) probationers and more than seven thousand (7,000) praetorians. The Regia of Western Uganda have completed translating the handbook into Runyankole-Rukiga and Runyoro-Rutooro and have sent a copy of the latter to Concilium. Kimanya Comitium conducted a two- day Congress on the Bumanji islands in January, to enlighten the legionaries about the Legion system. Extension work continues on Buvuma Islands, where three (3) new praesidia were started.
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(Spanish Translation)
not available - sorry
Concilium Extracts for March 2024
ARMENIA (ASIA) During the year the Curia established three new praesidia in Armenia itself and one in Georgia. The praesidium in Spitak have carried out some home visitation. Mother of Apostles praesidium met a young non- practicing man who was invited and accepted the invitation to be reconciled with the Church before starting his work in service. A new praesidium which started during the year arranged a rosary group as well as visiting old, lonely, and sick people. They have grasped the importance of the salvation of souls.
COSTA RICA (CENTRAL AMERICA) The Senatus is visiting the attached Councils to ascertain the recovery after the pandemic and each month the attached Councils send representatives to the Senatus meeting. A number of praesidia took part in a project to visit all families in a large area where there was no praesidium. Legionaries are organizing auxiliary rallies and other functions to help the auxiliaries understand their role in the Legion and in the Church. The book barrow apostolate was introduced with a very beautiful stand for the books. Legionaries are very encouraged with this new Legion apostolate and the interest of the public.
INDIA (ASIA) Karnataka Senatus Three Curiae and five Comitia reported in this period. Two hundred and seventy-eight (278) people were administered the sacrament of the sick. Catechism is taught and preparation for the sacraments of baptism and First Holy Communion are undertaken. Seventy- five (75) attended a Legion of Mary workshop.
ENGLAND (EUROPE) Brentwood Regia: New converts who were received in to the Church at Easter have been baptized, received Holy Communion, and confirmation. A resident of a nursing home who lost his wife thirty years ago had not been to Church since then. After many months and persevering efforts, he finally agreed to see a priest and receive Holy Communion.
SWITZERLAND (EUROPE) A Peregrinatio Pro Christo project was held in Biel in October. There is now interest in restarting a praesidium there. Street apostolate is undertaken weekly, contact with auxiliary members where the importance of their prayers is explained. The international daily online rosary group has grown to one hundred (100) groups. Curia Siberia has one Curia with three praesidia. Legionaries in Bogotoll accompany the priest on his visits to the villages.
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(Spanish Translation)
ALLENTOWN CURIA Extractos del Concilio para Marzo de 2024
ARMENIA (ASIA) Durante el año, la Curia estableció tres nuevos praesidias en la propia Armenia y uno en Georgia. El presidium de Spitak ha realizado algunas visitas a domicilio. El presidium de la Madre de los Apóstoles se reunió con un joven no practicante que fue invitado y aceptó la invitación a reconciliarse con la Iglesia antes de comenzar su trabajo en el servicio. Un nuevo presidium que comenzó durante el año organizó un grupo de rosarios, así como visitar a ancianos, solitarios y enfermos. Han comprendido la importancia de la salvación de las almas.
COSTA RICA (AMÉRICA CENTRAL) El Senado está visitando los Consejos Adjuntos para determinar la recuperación después de la pandemia y cada mes los Consejos Adjuntos envían representantes a la reunión del Senado. Varios praesidias participaron en un proyecto para visitar a todas las familias en una gran área donde no había presidium. Los legionarios están organizando mítines auxiliares y otras funciones para ayudar a los auxiliares a comprender su papel en la Legión y en la Iglesia. El apostolado de la barretilla de libros se introdujo con un soporte muy bonito para los libros. Los legionarios están muy animados con este nuevo apostolado de la Legión y el interés del público.
INDIA (ASIA) Karnataka Senatus Tres Curiae y cinco Comitia informaron en este período. A doscientos setenta y ocho (278) personas se les administró el sacramento de los enfermos. Se enseña catecismo y se lleva a cabo la preparación para los sacramentos del bautismo y la Primera Comunión. Setenta y cinco (75) asistieron a un taller de la Legión de María.
INGLATERRA (EUROPA) Brentwood Regia: Los nuevos conversos que fueron recibidos en la Iglesia en Pascua han sido bautizados, han recibido la Sagrada Comunión y la confirmación. Un residente de un asilo de ancianos que perdió a su esposa hace treinta años no había estado en Church desde entonces. Después de muchos meses y esfuerzos de perseveración, finalmente aceptó ver a un sacerdote y recibir la Sagrada Comunión.
SUIZA (EUROPA) En octubre se llevó a cabo un proyecto Peregrinatio Pro Christo en Biel. Ahora hay interés en reiniciar un presidium allí.
El apostolado callejero se lleva a cabo semanalmente, el contacto con los miembros auxiliares donde se explica la importancia de sus oraciones. El grupo diario internacional de rosarios en línea ha crecido a cien (100) grupos. La Curia Siberia tiene una Curia con tres praesidias. Los legionarios de Bogotá acompañan al sacerdote en sus visitas a los pueblos.
Concilium Extracts for February 2024
Concilium Extracts for February 2024
WEST INDIES - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Santo Domingo Senatus took reports from five praesidia, two Curiae and two Comitia. Works included six thousand (6,000) visits to the sick and three thousand (3,000) homes were visited. Two local legionaries joined Peregrinatio Pro Christo from Arlington Senatus to Banica which resulted in forty (40) people returning to Mass. Banica now has six (6) praesidia with eighty (80) active members. The Senatus in Santiago de los Caballeros took reports from four councils. Works included counselling unmarried couples and Catechesis for the sacraments.
PUERTO RICO - Peurto Rico Senatus have filled officer vacancies. On home visitation, the importance of prayer, catechesis for children, Church attendance, baptism and sacramental marriage are stressed. Homeless people and a womens’ refuge are visited. Contact with several Protestants over time resulted in their return to the Catholic Church.
TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO - The Trinidad & Tobago Regia reports that Rev. Fr. Peter Aduaka was appointed as their Spiritual Director. They revived junior praesidia at four schools. Between July and September, reports were taken from four praesidia, six Curiae including distant Barbados, and two Comitia in Dominica and St. Lucia. In visiting Guyana they encouraged revival of praesidia and approached three parishes for extension.
HAITI - Haiti Senatus: Many different Faiths are met during visitation of homes, hospitals and prisons. They accompany priests on sick calls and prepare people for the Sacraments. In spite of transport problems, visitation of councils and praesidia was undertaken. They held an enclosed retreat in September and a training course for officers on three consecutive Saturdays.
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(Spanish Translation not available - sorry)
Concilium Extracts for January 2024
Concilium Extracts for January 2024
AFRICA – South Africa - Johannesburg Senatus: The praesidium in Edenvale is rebuilding since Covid. They met one thousand (1,000) people on street contact of whom four hundred and twenty-eight (428) were non-Catholics. A number of lapsed Catholics returned to the sacraments. In Tembisa Curia, all members died during Covid. Matatiele Comitium: A praesidium of eighteen active and five auxiliary members reported ten children were baptized, fifteen prepared for confirmation. Fifty- two children and four adults and a priest attended the monthly Patrician meeting.
SOUTH AMERICA - Senatus of Asuncion, Paraguay: A lady diagnosed with severe colon cancer was visited; her family asked to keep the Icon of Perpetual Help for a few weeks. When they returned, the legionaries learned that the cancer had completely disappeared after treatment.
They also visited a family with poor relationships between siblings; through prayers and regular visits, relations are now improving. At the Villarrica senior penitentiary, three praesidia with twelve men each are in the formation stage. The same Curia is helping in the catechesis of poor children for their baptism. A Comitium carried out extension work and six hundred and forty-two (642) people were invited of which fifteen active and nine auxiliary members were recruited and two senior praesidia were formed. They make visits to homes and to the sick in homes and hospitals. Thirty-six unmarried couples did a matrimony course and five couples have already married in church. They also visit schools and colleges to spread the rosary, visit penitentiary inmates, and bring Holy Communion to the sick. On September 8th in the church of the Nativity in Asuncion, twenty-eight (28) Seminarians made their promise. There are now seventy (70) seminarians in five praesidia all which meet on Mondays.
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(Spanish Translation not available - sorry)
Concilium Extracts for November 2023
Concilium Extracts for November 2023
ASIA – THAILAND - Bangkok Senatus: A praesidium comprised of teachers taught catechism classes, followed up with persons- including students and parents, friends, and family members of the students- not attending Holy Mass and focused on the importance of attending Holy Mass on Sundays. The praesidium also implemented a notice board with banners educating about Christianity. A praesidium encouraged youth, both male and female, to join in the vocation camps organized by many religious orders. A Comitium followed up with a family who lived far away, since 2019. The parish priest celebrated Holy Mass at their house, two couples received the sacrament of matrimony, their grandchild was baptized, and the priest blessed their house.
EUROPE – BELGIUM - Brussels Senatus: A praesidium of thirteen members continued to have five Pilgrim Statues circulating during lockdown amongst parishioners who would telephone each other to arrange delivery of the Statue. Legionaries visit homes and hospitals and through telephone contact encourage the sick and pray with them. A Filipino man met on contact work agreed to be baptized and was given instruction by legionaries. His marriage in Church is being prepared. Members of another praesidium
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(Spanish Translation not available - sorry)
Concilium Extracts for Oct 2023
Concilium Extracts for October 2023
FLORIDA - Miami Regia reported that two of their stronger Curiae with a total of twenty-six praesidia and a Comitium with a total of forty-three praesidia did a full range of Legion works. This included recruiting for a Rosary Confraternity and leading First Saturday Devotions. The Legion of Mary in Jamaica and the bishop there were visited in June 2023. Only one praesidium, out of three, has restarted in Kingston after Covid.
PUERTO RICO - Puerto Rico Senatus reported the filling of vacancies and increased attendance at all meetings. New praesidia have been formed and apostolic works include book barrow, home visits, taking children and the elderly to Mass and organizing Mass in some residential complexes. The Legion Centenary celebrations included Mass and Marian concerts.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Both Senatus are trying hard to re-activate some Curiae where members died during the Covid. Santa Domingo Senatus reported on apostolic work by two Comitia such as visiting about one thousand and four hundred sick people, arranging Sacrament of Sick for sick people, catechesis for forty people and counselling for eighty-eight people. The six praesidia in Santana and Banica were visited. Legionaries accompanied the priest and consoled the Haitian parents of a child who died in an accident to help their Faith.
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(Spanish Translation)
Florida - Regia de Miami informó de que dos de sus Curiae más fuertes, con veintiséis praesidia, y un Comitium, con cuarenta y tres praesidia, realizaron muchos y diferentes trabajos de la Legión, entre ellos el reclutar para una Cofradía del Rosario y la dirección de las devociones del primer sábado. En junio de 2023 visitaron la Legión de María en Jamaica y también al obispo. Sólo un praesidium, de un total de tres, ha reanudado sus actividades en Kingston, después del covid.
PUERTO RICO El Senatus de Puerto Rico informa de que se han cubierto vacantes y ha aumentado la asistencia a todas las reuniones. Se han formado nuevos praesidia y los trabajos apostólicos incluyen la librería ambulante, visitas a hogares, llevar a niños y ancianos a Misa y organizar la Misa en algunos complejos residenciales. Las celebraciones del Centenario de la Legión incluyeron Misa y conciertos marianos.
REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA Ambos Senatus se esfuerzan por reactivar algunas Curiae cuyos socios murieron durante el covid. El Senatus de Santo Domingo informó sobre el trabajo apostólico de dos Comitia, como la visita a unos mil cuatrocientos enfermos, la organización del sacramento de la Unción de Enfermos, para los enfermos, la catequesis para cuarenta personas y el asesoramiento para ochenta y ocho personas. Se visitaron los seis praesidia de Santana y Banica. Los legionarios acompañaron al sacerdote y consolaron a los padres haitianos de un niño fallecido en accidente para ayudarles en su Fe.
Concilium Extracts for Sept 2023
Concilium Extracts for September 2023
NORTH AMERICA - CANADA: Edmonton Comitium: This comprises eight directly attached praesidia and four Curiae. One praesidium does Exploratio two to three times annually. One attached local Curia with ninety- five active members does door-to-door visits, a weekly virtual rosary with prisoners, catechesis for the sacramental children, Pilgrim Virgin Statue visitation and running two junior groups. One Curia in Calgary, with twenty praesidia, was visited and plans to divide. The Korean Curia observed improved Legion of Mary spirit and recruiting efforts following their visitation of all seven praesidia there.
AFRICA - KENYA: Senatus of Kenya: The first praesidium set up by Venerable Edel Quinn in December 1936 has eighteen active members, five probationers and eighteen auxiliary members. The praesidium has a junior praesidium attached, does hospital visitation and street contact. Non- Catholics were encouraged to join the catechism classes and a follow-up was done and six were later baptized. Three members helped with the established five new praesidia in Thika Comitium. The annual Mass at Venerable Edel Quinn’s grave had the largest attendance ever with legionaries from Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, and all over Kenya in attendance. Fifty-six attended the prayers at the graveside in June. Reports at Senatus indicate a very solid apostolate undertaken by the legionaries including contact with the lapsed, Protestants, Muslims etc. The correspondents group meets on a regular basis and attached praesidia and councils are all visited by Senatus.
(Spanish Translation not available - sorry)
Concilium Extracts for May 2023
MALTA (Europe) - Malta Regia: two praesidia feature in this report. The apostolate includes home visitation where those met are invited and encouraged to start going back to Mass after COVID. Legionaries prepare children for Confession and Holy Communion. They organize the Rosary in blocks of Apartments during May. Curiae reports: legionaries in Mother of Good Shepherd Curia were instrumental in preventing an abortion and helping a young man to return to his faith. Prison visits and outreach to refugees is also done. In Mary, Queen of the Eucharist Curia legionaries reported that where the Pilgrim Virgin Statue was accepted in homes resulted in miracles of grace for those people. Hope of the World Curia reported visitation of the six attached praesidia and positive contacts during home visitation. Two PPC projects took place to Lourdes in July. Many nationalities were contacted including some of other faiths. Miraculous medals were offered to all.
URUGUAY (South America) - Senatus of Montevideo: One Comitium, one Curia and one praesidium reported. Four people took the Legion Promise. Not all groups are meeting in person. A praesidium of youths pray a weekly online Rosary with other youths. Other works include Pilgrim statue visitation, working with youths, visitation of nursing homes, a military hospital, cemeteries and chapels. They carried out a ‘mission’ in the town of Progreso, visiting 54 families and reporting back to the Parish Priest. Two Councils held a Congress. The Legion house hosted the relics of St. Margaret Mary Aloque on 8th December 2022. The Statutes have been circulated to all Councils. A talk on the life of Alfie Lambe was held.
MOZAMBIQUE (Africa) - Quelimane Comitium: The Spiritual Director is looking for ways to make essential Legion material accessible, such as the image of Our Lady for the Legion altar, the Tessera and the Handbook. Tete Comitium: To facilitate the work in the Diocese, organization of Pastoral Zones was made, with the support of the Spiritual Directors. The difficulties reported are the great distances legionaries must travel. A workshop on the formation of Curia and praesidia Officers took place in March. Beira Comitium organized formation workshops for Curia Officers. Nampula Curia held its annual planning meeting with discussion on the program for the year ahead.
Concilium Extracts for Aug 2023
Concilium Extracts for August 2023
ASIA – PHILIPPINES - Cebu Senatus. Maasin Regia has a total membership of sixteen thousand, five hundred and ninety-four members, Works include home, hospital and prison visitation. A Curia in Toledo Comitium has ninety- five active members and eighteen on probation. They also have six junior praesidia. Rosary was prayed in October in twenty- eight classrooms, each with forty students. As a result of a Columban Drive to four parishes, sixteen new senior members were recruited and one junior praesidium. Other councils reported great apostolic works being carried out.
AFRICA – EGYPT - The Senatus of Egypt: Acies Ceremonies were held by the various Curiae throughout Egypt. In Cairo Patriarch Ibrahim Isaac of the Egyptian Coptic Catholic Church presided over the Acies ceremony. Fr. Hedeya Tamer, the Spiritual Director of the Senatus and a number of priests and religious also attended. In his homily the Patriarch spoke about the Acies ceremony stressing the importance of the celebration, which is not just an ordinary celebration, but rather a continuation of the Church’s march, and that service is surrender and acceptance.
SOUTH AMERICA – BOLIVIA - Senatus of La Paz: Special efforts are made to visit families in outlying areas where there is neither priest nor chapel. The aim is to start praesidia in these barrios. A new apostolate is a public rosary for children which involves teaching children how to pray the rosary. Contact in street market has restarted with good results. They have a special outreach to young victims of drugs, alcohol and pornography. One of the parish priests helps the legionaries to recruit more active members.
(Spanish Translation)
Extractos de Concilium para agosto de 2023
ASIA - FILIPINAS - Cebu Senatus. Maasin Regia tiene un total de dieciséis mil quinientos noventa y cuatro miembros, Las obras incluyen visitas a domicilio, hospitales y prisiones. La Curia del Comitium de Toledo tiene noventa y cinco miembros activos y dieciocho a prueba. También tienen seis praesidia menores. En octubre se rezó el rosario en veintiocho aulas, cada una con cuarenta alumnos. Como resultado de una campaña colombina en cuatro parroquias, se reclutaron dieciséis nuevos miembros mayores y un praesidium menor. Otros consejos informaron de la realización de grandes obras apostólicas.
ÁFRICA - EGIPTO - El Senatus de Egipto: Se celebraron ceremonias de Acies por las diversas Curias de todo Egipto. En El Cairo, el Patriarca Ibrahim Isaac de la Iglesia copta católica egipcia presidió la ceremonia de Acies. También asistieron el P. Hedeya Tamer, Director Espiritual del Senatus, y varios sacerdotes y religiosos. En su homilía, el Patriarca habló de la ceremonia del Acies destacando la importancia de la celebración, que no es una fiesta cualquiera, sino la continuación de la marcha de la Iglesia, y ese servicio es entrega y aceptación.
AMÉRICA DEL SUR - BOLIVIA - Senatus de La Paz: Se hace un esfuerzo especial para visitar a las familias de las zonas periféricas donde no hay ni sacerdote ni capilla. El objetivo es iniciar praesidia en estos barrios. Un nuevo apostolado es un rosario público para niños que consiste en enseñar a los niños a rezar el rosario. Se ha reanudado el contacto en el mercado callejero con buenos resultados. Tienen un acercamiento especial a los jóvenes víctimas de las drogas, el alcohol y la pornografía. Uno de los párrocos ayuda a los legionarios a reclutar más miembros activos.
Concilium Extracts for May 2023
MALTA (Europe) - Malta Regia: two praesidia feature in this report. The apostolate includes home visitation where those met are invited and encouraged to start going back to Mass after COVID. Legionaries prepare children for Confession and Holy Communion. They organize the Rosary in blocks of Apartments during May. Curiae reports: legionaries in Mother of Good Shepherd Curia were instrumental in preventing an abortion and helping a young man to return to his faith. Prison visits and outreach to refugees is also done. In Mary, Queen of the Eucharist Curia legionaries reported that where the Pilgrim Virgin Statue was accepted in homes resulted in miracles of grace for those people. Hope of the World Curia reported visitation of the six attached praesidia and positive contacts during home visitation. Two PPC projects took place to Lourdes in July. Many nationalities were contacted including some of other faiths. Miraculous medals were offered to all.
URUGUAY (South America) - Senatus of Montevideo: One Comitium, one Curia and one praesidium reported. Four people took the Legion Promise. Not all groups are meeting in person. A praesidium of youths pray a weekly online Rosary with other youths. Other works include Pilgrim statue visitation, working with youths, visitation of nursing homes, a military hospital, cemeteries and chapels. They carried out a ‘mission’ in the town of Progreso, visiting 54 families and reporting back to the Parish Priest. Two Councils held a Congress. The Legion house hosted the relics of St. Margaret Mary Aloque on 8th December 2022. The Statutes have been circulated to all Councils. A talk on the life of Alfie Lambe was held.
MOZAMBIQUE (Africa) - Quelimane Comitium: The Spiritual Director is looking for ways to make essential Legion material accessible, such as the image of Our Lady for the Legion altar, the Tessera and the Handbook. Tete Comitium: To facilitate the work in the Diocese, organization of Pastoral Zones was made, with the support of the Spiritual Directors. The difficulties reported are the great distances legionaries must travel. A workshop on the formation of Curia and praesidia Officers took place in March. Beira Comitium organized formation workshops for Curia Officers. Nampula Curia held its annual planning meeting with discussion on the program for the year ahead.
Concilium Extracts for July 2023
Concilium Extracts for July 2023
CENTRAL AMERICA - EL SALVADOR - San Salvador Senatus: Deprived children and children
with learning difficulties are prepared for First Communion and Confirmation. Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament is encouraged on contact work. An attached Comitium with 182 members
reports that only 70 of the 182 members can read and write. A young legionary has entered
the seminary. Seventeen sick persons went to Confession. Of 338 persons who accepted
invitation to the Legion, 105 persevered. Legionaries visit and pray with families where a
family member has died.
ASIA -PAKISTAN - Home and hospital visitation carried out as well as visitation to the bereaved
and to Auxiliary members. They visit and pray with estranged families, do Bible study and help
with parish activities. 370 attended the Acies presided over by the Archbishop of Karachi.
THAILAND - Face to face meetings resumed in January 2023. The work of the Legion of Mary is
flourishing they say among the 27 praesidia, 7 Curiae and 4 Comitia. Works include teaching
catechism, visiting the sick and elderly, helping with parish activities. Our Lady of Mercy
Comitium established 24 new praesidia. 3 people who had been away from the Church for
periods of 39, 59 and 86 years respectively returned to the Faith and received the Sacrament
of Confession before their deaths.
(Spanish Translation)
AMÉRICA CENTRAL - EL SALVADOR - Senatus de San Salvador: Se prepara a niños
desfavorecidos y con dificultades de aprendizaje para la Primera Comunión y la Confirmación.
Se fomenta la adoración al Santísimo Sacramento en los contactos callejeros. Un comitium
adjunto con 182 socios informa de que sólo 70 de ellos saben leer y escribir. Un joven
legionario ha ingresado en el seminario. Diecisiete enfermos se confesaron. De 338 personas
que aceptaron la invitación a la Legión, 105 perseveraron. Los legionarios visitan y rezan con
las familias en las que ha fallecido un familiar.
ASIA - PAKISTÁN Se realizaron visitas a hogares y a hospitales, así como visitas a las personas
que han perdido a un ser querido y a los socios auxiliares. Visitan y rezan con las familias
alejadas, hacen estudios bíblicos y ayudan en las actividades parroquiales. Asistieron 370 al
Acies presidido por el arzobispo de Karachi.
TAILANDIA Las reuniones presenciales se reanudaron en enero de 2023. El trabajo de la Legión
de María está floreciendo entre los 27 praesidia, 7 Curiae y 4 Comitia. Los trabajos son: la
enseñanza del catecismo, la visita a enfermos y ancianos, la ayuda en las actividades
parroquiales. El comitium de Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia estableció 24 nuevos
praesidia. 3 personas que habían estado Página alejadas de la Iglesia durante períodos de 39,
59 y 86 años respectivamente volvieron a la Fe y recibieron el Sacramento de la Confesión
antes de morir.
Concilium Extracts for May 2023
MALTA (Europe) - Malta Regia: two praesidia feature in this report. The apostolate includes home visitation where those met are invited and encouraged to start going back to Mass after COVID. Legionaries prepare children for Confession and Holy Communion. They organize the Rosary in blocks of Apartments during May. Curiae reports: legionaries in Mother of Good Shepherd Curia were instrumental in preventing an abortion and helping a young man to return to his faith. Prison visits and outreach to refugees is also done. In Mary, Queen of the Eucharist Curia legionaries reported that where the Pilgrim Virgin Statue was accepted in homes resulted in miracles of grace for those people. Hope of the World Curia reported visitation of the six attached praesidia and positive contacts during home visitation. Two PPC projects took place to Lourdes in July. Many nationalities were contacted including some of other faiths. Miraculous medals were offered to all.
URUGUAY (South America) - Senatus of Montevideo: One Comitium, one Curia and one praesidium reported. Four people took the Legion Promise. Not all groups are meeting in person. A praesidium of youths pray a weekly online Rosary with other youths. Other works include Pilgrim statue visitation, working with youths, visitation of nursing homes, a military hospital, cemeteries and chapels. They carried out a ‘mission’ in the town of Progreso, visiting 54 families and reporting back to the Parish Priest. Two Councils held a Congress. The Legion house hosted the relics of St. Margaret Mary Aloque on 8th December 2022. The Statutes have been circulated to all Councils. A talk on the life of Alfie Lambe was held.
MOZAMBIQUE (Africa) - Quelimane Comitium: The Spiritual Director is looking for ways to make essential Legion material accessible, such as the image of Our Lady for the Legion altar, the Tessera and the Handbook. Tete Comitium: To facilitate the work in the Diocese, organization of Pastoral Zones was made, with the support of the Spiritual Directors. The difficulties reported are the great distances legionaries must travel. A workshop on the formation of Curia and praesidia Officers took place in March. Beira Comitium organized formation workshops for Curia Officers. Nampula Curia held its annual planning meeting with discussion on the program for the year ahead.
Concilium Extracts for April 2023
Concilium Extracts for April 2023
EUROPE – CROATIA - Petrinja: 3 praesidia reported with 18 active and 71 auxiliaries. 5 curiae also reported in the same period having 208 active and 631 auxiliary members. The church in Kravarski was demolished in the earthquake so the legionaries invited parishioners to gather at the church site each Saturday when the Rosary was prayed. The junior curia has 5 praesidia with 33 legionaries. A youth festival was organized with a mix of spirituality and fun with 30 in attendance.
AFRICA – RWANDA - Senatus of Kigali: The pilgrimage of the Legionaries of Mary to Kibeho in Rwanda took place on October 16, 2022, where more than 25,000 members made the trip.
The Legionaries met in Kibeho, southern Rwanda, a place of pilgrimage following the apparitions of the “Mother of the Word” (Nov. 28, 1981 to Nov. 28, 1989) officially recognized by the Universal Catholic Church. This great pilgrimage is to be placed within the framework of the annual outings planned by the Legion of Mary. It was organized by the Kigali Senatus and brought together active and auxiliary members of the Legion from all the dioceses of Rwanda under the leadership of Bishop of Gikongoro, accompanied by more than 50 priests and other religious (Spiritual Directors). Nearly 10,000 Legionaries had made this trip on foot, for 3 days, in a coordinated succession of prayers, the Rosary and liturgical hymns. The Legionaries showed a very deep devotion to the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Word, especially since they had just spent almost 3 years without pilgrimage due to the constraints of Covid 19. This was an opportunity for the management of the Sanctuary Notre Dame de Kibeho to recall the key words of the message that the Mother of the Word delivered during her appearances in Kibeho: namely conversion, prayer, faith, love and the cross.
Concilium Extracts for February 2023
Concilium Extracts for February 2023
ASIA - VIETNAM - Myo Tho Comitium works in an area where just 2% are Catholics. They arranged 107 Baptisms (adults and children) and assisted 57 couples to have their marriages blessed in Church. 40 new active and 58 new auxiliary members were gained. Saigon Curia works in 6 parishes in an urban area with complex social needs, having 12 praesidia with 124 active, 50 Praetorian and 571 auxiliary members. They recruited 25 new members.
CENTRAL AMERICA – MEXICO - Mexico City Senatus: Four new Senatus Officers were elected in December. They are very dedicated and very active. Street contact has resulted in preventing a number of abortions. Two attached Comitia reported 2 new praesidia and one junior set up recently while another Curia reported reduction from 11 senior praesidia to 6 and two junior praesidia to one. A young man, who was away from the faith was contacted, went to Confession and received the Eucharist and after 3 months he died. His family was very grateful to the Legion. A contact went to Confession after 20 years and now attends Mass and is an auxiliary member.
AFRICA – REPUBLIC of the CONGO - Brazzaville Senatus: Work reports include visits to the sick at home and in hospital, visiting prisoners, widows, orphans and the poor, home visitation, teaching catechism and preparing the liturgy. People contacted are invited to pray in the local Catholic Church or to enroll in catechesis. During a two-month period, two Curiae and five praesidia reported the reconciliation of 28 couples, one request for Baptism, 6 people enrolling in catechesis and one marriage in the Church. In Pointe-Noire, reports included contacting 6,000 people, with the result of 63 returns to the sacraments and 37 people enrolling in catechesis. 35 legionaries took part in a formation day organized by Curia on ‘The duties of legionaries and officers. One Comitium organized a triduum on the theme of ‘Revitalizing distant directly attached praesidia and affiliated councils.
Concilium Extracts for January 2023
Concilium Extracts for January 2023
CANADA - Toronto Senatus report Ottawa Regia have 13 praesidia and one juniors. They had 100 on a retreat and plan a door-to-door project throughout the city. Newfoundland Curia has 5 praesidia meeting and their RCIA classes resumed.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - Santo Domingo Senatus reported praesidia lost due to Covid. However, some parishes have requested a praesidium. Local Legionaries in San Pedro Santana were uplifted by a project involving 10 from the USA accompanied by the Senatus Officers.
Santiago de los Cabelleros Senatus are encouraging attached councils to resume meetings. Some works include catechesis, prison visitation and rosary recitals in homes and open-air. In a discussion they highlighted three qualities which every legionary should develop – loyalty, courage and obedience.
USA - Chicago Senatus: The Spanish Comitium has two Curiae attached, with 11 and 14 praesidia respectively, amounting to 206 active and 578 auxiliary members. Catechesis in parishes, assisting at funerals and Pilgrim Statue visitation are the predominant works. In 1 Curia, they had 4 returns to Church and a Jehovah Witness is preparing to convert. The Korean Comitium has 207 members. They prepare parishioners for the sacraments; 7 were baptized. In July, 40 attended a Legion Congress.
San Francisco Senatus: Out of its 13 directly attached praesidia, only 6 are nearby; these had about 30% attendance at Senatus. There are 8 Curiae and 7 Comitia attached. There are 15 correspondents. New praesidia are being formed in Anchorage, Alaska and Santa Rosa.
Concilium Extracts for December 2022
Concilium Extracts for December 2022
Ancilla Domini Curia: Curia visitation to Frank Duff’s grave was held on August 28th. Rosary and legion prayers were recited. Weekly evangelization takes place in Temple Bar on Saturdays at 3pm. It is a very busy place with many tourists and shoppers. All are approached and offered Miraculous Medals and Rosaries. Many accept a medal and are given a short talk to explain it. People of all religions and none are encountered. Many conversions and healings have been received. At 4.45pm a public rosary is held. All are welcome. All praesidia have recruiting on their agenda. Many members of Curia went on the Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock on September 25th. Some members also sang in the choir. Curia organized a Centenary Concert in St Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday 3rd September 2022. There was a full house and all performances were outstanding. Curia Pilgrimage to Glendalough is on October 15th. Myra House was open for Culture Night on September 22nd and attracted many visitors.
Mater Ecclesia Curia: Members organized a bus for Knock pilgrimage. Retreat and annual reunion are being planned. Annual Mass for Venerable Edel Quinn was celebrated in September and followed by a recruiting drive. Curia is hoping to restart Frank Duff Holy hour, which stopped during lockdown. A praesidium with 9 full members and 8 probationary members is attracting new members from Mexico, the Philippines and Argentina. Works include home visitation where parishioners are encouraged to attend Eucharistic Adoration. Two male members conduct outreach to drug users and invite them to a prayer meeting and encourage them to return to confession. Public Rosary and Legion prayers are prayed every Saturday at 3pm, followed by Divine Mercy Chaplet. A legionary corresponds with a prisoner in an Irish prison. RCIA program is being investigated for a Chinese family who wish to join the Catholic Church. A praesidium distributes 30 Maria Legionis every quarter.
Knock Pilgrimage The main celebrant at the Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock on 25th September was His Grace, Bishop Alan Mc Guckian of Raphoe Diocese. His homily commended the writings of Frank Duff, particularly the Handbook, in regard to its guidance on the role of Mary as the heart of the Mystical Body of Christ. This guidance provides Legionaries with a means of addressing the Gospel challenge presented in both the First Reading and the Gospel for this Mass. The Gospel being the well-known parable on Lazarus and the Rich Man. From its beginning in 1921, the Legion gave special attention to the most lowly and dejected in society as well as doing many other works of spiritual mercy. With over 70 coaches (busses) from all over Ireland present, there was a capacity crowd in the Basilica. We thank all Legionaries who helped conduct a prayerful pilgrimage with special thoughts for those who are ill and for those who have died over the past few years.
Concilium Extracts for November 2022
Concilium Extracts for November 2022
Planning a physical meeting in September. The legionaries prepare children for first communion, serve Mass, and accompany the priest on home visits. The country is in a poor economic situation – few have jobs, the currency has no value, and many have moved abroad. Even so they help Syrian refugees as best they can. A Carmelite priest visiting Beirut recently met the legionaries for a meal and confirmed the difficulties they face.
The original praesidium of 9 members arranged the Centenary celebrations and had ‘Can we be Saints’ by Frank Duff translated into Armenian. 5 people came back to Confession, 2 were anointed for the sick and 2 homes were Enthroned to the Sacred Heart. They continue to make efforts to extend the Legion.
61 attended the July meeting. They have difficulty in having minutes translated. Visitation of distant councils has resumed. Mandalay Comitium with 6 curiae and 41 praesidia with 500 members is in all 3 Archdioceses and 6 Dioceses. The country is suffering the effects of recession and civil war.
Concilium Extracts for September 2022
Concilium Extracts for September 2022
United States-
Cincinnati Senatus: is working on restructuring of its territory. Chicago Senatus has agreed to govern the Legion in Indiana. Arlington Regia has agreed to govern the Legion councils in Southern Ohio and Kentucky Tennessee. Philadelphia Senatus is also willing to help Northern Ohio. Meanwhile, efforts are afoot to start 2 new praesidia in Ohio, another in Steubenville diocese and 2 in New Albany.
Arlington Regia: In June, they held a junior retreat with 40 attendees. In July a young adult retreat was held with 50 attending. Many recruiting drives featured. One praesidium of 5 members sent 77 Christmas cards to their 77 auxiliaries during Covid. One council reported gaining 100 new members, 38 active adults, 9 junior and 69 auxiliaries for the Centenary year.
Philadelphia Senatus: The Senatus had an ‘E’ Day with 70 attending and 2 recruiting drives. Camden Comitium had a Catholic Literature Table at Cowtown Rodeo in Pilesgrove, NJ and at the Berlin farmers’ market. Trenton Comitium visits hospitals and prisons. An attached Curia had 884 people view 11 Faith podcasts they prepared. Pittsburgh Regia has 4 councils attached, with a total of 26 praesidia. Post Covid, they still have 138 active and 1291 auxiliary members and do varied works; PVS, CCD, door to door and crowd contact.
Chicago Senatus: Their weekend May Gathering had Council representatives from 5 States present. It included door to door evangelization in the district adjacent to their conference center and finished with the Senatus Meeting. Milwaukee Curia assisted by Rockford Curia, started a new praesidium. The 3 Curiae in Joliet diocese comprise multi-ethnic praesidia mainly Hispanic and Filipino legionaries; they are enthusiastic participants in their respective parishes. They celebrated the Legion Centenary together at their cathedral.
Houston Senatus: One Curia staffed a Catholic Information Booth at the Pasadena Strawberry Festival in May and resumed visitation. A prison praesidium resumed their meetings with new officers appointed. North Curia, home of the very first Legion praesidium in the USA, November 27, 1931, reported on their plans for the 90th Year Celebration in July.
Concilium Extracts for August 2022
Concilium Extracts for August 2022
ASIA - PHILIPPINES - Western Visayas Senatus has returned to physical meetings after 2 years.
Attendance is still limited to 2 officers from each council. Between March and April, 4 Comitia
and 4 Curia reported. All featured home visitation and marriage validations. One reported a
married couple of 12 years were reluctant to have a church wedding, but through prayer and
further visits they decided to go ahead. Catechism is taught in state schools. An Exploratio
Dominicalis project resulted in many baptisms and conversions. A man who had suicidal
thoughts was referred to the Priest who invited him to join the legion and he has now taken
his Legion promise and is doing well.
AUSTRALIA - Melbourne Senatus: A successful summer school was held in February. Noumea
Comitium in New Caledonia reported with 8 Curia on the mainland and 1 in Wallis Island who
have a junior praesidium attached. Albury and Wodonga Comitium, which is a 4-hour train
journey from Senatus, held a Rosary crusade starting with Mass in the cathedral and stopping
at 4 churches to recite the Rosary. Other praesidia reported outdoor functions, recruitment
and Congresses planned.
SOUTH AMERICA - COLOMBIA - Senatus of Bogota: The Senatus Extension Committee meets
monthly to develop its members and to plan ahead. Most reports mention the Columban Drive
method of recruiting. Many praesidia are supporting neighboring praesidia which are weak
post-covid. There is much mention of Centenary masses. Typical apostolates are street
contact, public rosaries in parks, catechesis and junior groups, reaching out to the bereaved,
counselling pregnant women and presenting their own programs on diocesan radio channels
and on Radio Maria. There is an ecological apostolate based on Laudato Si. They participate in
parish social activities visiting the elderly, sick and alone, encouraging them to confess and
receive communion. Members of a comitium who are Eucharistic Ministers recruited 20
auxiliaries in the course of that work. Legionaries take part in parish missions and in missions
to rural areas. A prison praesidium prays the rosary with prisoners and uses a “5 Minutes of
Prayer” booklet to evangelize.
Concilium Extracts for July 2022
SOUTH AMERICA – ARGENTINA - Senatus of Buenos Aires: ‘As the Morning Rising’ is the name of their full color Legion magazine with local and world news. Young children 5-8 years old are prepared for the junior Legion. Non-Catholic contacts are told about the Mass and invited to attend. Immigrants from Haiti are prepared for the sacraments and taught Spanish. A Mission tent was set up in a city center plaza. To remember Alfie Lambe’s 90th birthday, a street procession with banners is to take place to his grave. This is a full day program with all day rosaries and contacts and ending with Holy Mass in the local parish church. Two new books relating to Alfie’s work in Paraguay and Uruguay will be launched on that occasion.
AFRICA – BURUNDI - Senatus of Burundi: This report covers February to May 2022. The Senatus held elections in March 2022 for all their officerships (except for Treasurer which is already filled). They were ratified in May by Concilium. Their new President, Zenon Ndihokubwayo put the following recommendations to members:
• The daily recitation of the Rosary by each family in their homes, to boost the spirit of the Legion
• Every Legionary family to own and read the Legion handbook and the Treatise on the True Devotion to Mary by St Louis Marie de Montfort
• That Legionaries seek to recruit among their relations and neighbors
• That Legionaries make a special place in their homes for Our Lady, by having an altar in her honor.
PROJECT 300 (Ireland)
As a special gift to Our Lady on this our Centenary Year, Dublin legionaries have set a target of recruiting 300 new members in the Archdiocese. Every Saturday morning a group of between 12 and 20 members spend a couple of hours on the Streets of Dublin encouraging people to come to a meeting. A number of new praesidia have been established and membership has increased in various meetings.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, April 3, 2022
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, April 3, 2022
SOUTH AMERICA – ARGENTINA - Buenos Aires Senatus: An amazing number of Legion activities have taken place all over the Senatus area. Public Rosaries have attracted many participants. Before and after the Rosary contacts are made. The youth committee organized this year’s 18-year-old plus retreat for youth. Parish retreats have achieved both infant and adult baptisms. Great joy was visible when the news arrived of the Centenary Plenary Indulgence. Alfie Lamb’s graveside celebration on 21st January again attracted huge crowds. They included non-stop rosaries in groups at the graveside, Mass in the local church and many street contacts.
EUROPE – POLAND - Lublin Regia: On 7th September legionaries from the Diocese participated in the Mass for the Centenary which was celebrated by the Archbishop and 26 Priests with several hundred people in attendance. Masses of thanksgiving were also celebrated in many of the other Dioceses. Reports were taken from 3 praesidia, 3 Curiae and 3 Comitia. Legionaries are engaging in talks on the faith to Parishioners, visitation of apartment blocks and giving much help in Parishes. Eight people were brought to the Sacrament of reconciliation.
AFRICA - DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC of CONGO - Senatus of Kananga: The Senatus is composed of 3 Regiae. In the city of Kananga alone, they have 5 Comitia, 34 Curiae, 104 Praesidia, and 2,620 Legionaries. The Centenary was celebrated with Holy Mass in October by the Bishop of Kananga, Mons. Marcel Basanguka, in the military camp of St Augustine, in the presence of 8,200 Legionaries. A report taken at the January Senatus meeting from one of their Curiae “Mary Mother of Lourdes” shows a vast amount of Apostolic work, including recruitment of new members, Juniors and Auxiliaries, promotion of Eucharistic Adoration and the Rosary, outreach to the sick in homes and hospitals, and care of orphans.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, March 13, 2022
Meetings have not been held due to Covid. Legionaries have been asked to attend Mass via webcam daily; recite daily the full Legion prayers and study the Handbook; attend Eucharistic Adoration online and keep in contact with members by whatever electronic means are available to them. Members tuned in to the Centenary Mass from Francis Street on 3 September and also had 3 Masses celebrated in their own country in Saigon and Hanoi marking the centenary and Our Lady’s birthday. 36 active members have died as a result of Covid. The legionaries in the Hang Xang parish report contacting a young man in 2005 who was drawn to the Catholic Church but didn’t receive the Eucharist. They invited him to join the RCIA and supported him throughout, he joined the Legion and was very active with extension. Two years after becoming a Catholic he joined the Redemptorists and was ordained on 26th October 2021.
Merida Senatus: The Senatus has commenced meeting in person. The Comitium Causa de Nuestra Alegría set up four new praesidia since the last report. 10 couples regularized their marriage, 29 adults and 20 children were baptized and 122 received the sacrament of the sick. In the November Senatus meeting it was reported from Tuxtla Gutierrez that a child was cured of cancer through the intercession of Frank Duff. María Immaculada Comitium has 25 Curiae and 15 praesidia affiliated, one of which is in the state prison. Home visitation is carried out extensively. Forty-nine homes accepted the Enthronement of their homes to the Sacred Heart. Legionaries lead the Rosary and prayers at wakes.
Brazzaville: Visitation of attached councils and praesidia is undertaken monthly and a brief report given at the Senatus meeting. Our Lady of the Trinity Comitium has 1,200 active members who undertake works of teaching catechism, outreach to couples and the lapsed, and visitation of the sick. Between June and September, visitation took place to three of their Curiae and four praesidia. The three Comitia in the north of the country are part of the new archdiocese of Owando which was established by Pope Francis in 2020.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, February 6, 2022
The Senatus of Santo Domingo celebrated their 75th Anniversary of the Legion there which coincides with the Worldwide Centenary. At this Mass, celebrated by the Archbishop, two priests testified on how the Legion of Mary helped their vocation. Many legionaries, active and auxiliary, died due to Covid. The November Mass for the deceased legionaries was widely celebrated.
Senatus of Santiago de los Caballeros is meeting, but attendance is limited and some reports have not yet been furnished.
Regia of Trinidad and Tobago: Minutes of the August Regia meeting show the pandemic restricts many apostolates but they are encouraging continuous prayer. Three praesidia gained new members.
Puerto Rico Senatus: The country has been in lockdown for most of 2021. They held a Senatus meeting in October and November, but no reports were submitted by praesidia or councils.
Haiti Senatus: Despite the recent earthquake, home and prison visitation takes place, plus visits to the sick. Legionaries also accompany their priests on sick calls. Other work includes preparing people for the Sacraments. Visitation of councils and praesidia continues and two officers were re-elected. All the foregoing councils reported holding Centenary Mass celebrations with their Bishops or Spiritual Directors providing gracious and inspiring homilies. Restrictions prohibited full attendances, but Masses were live streamed. Outdoor Marian processions, visiting Marian shrines, Centenary Conferences and Workshops on the History of Legion also featured in celebrations.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, December 5, 2021
AFRICA - MAURITIUS - Rodrigues Regia: The last report from Regia of Mauritius (13th September) makes for sad reading. While wishing the Concilium a joyful anniversary, the secretary reports the anguish of the members at not being able to celebrate the occasion as they would have wished. The second wave of the pandemic hit them harder than the first. Although some praesidia continued to meet while keeping the rules, they could not visit the sick, etc. Their annual pilgrimage to Holy Cross shrine was curtailed. It was only on the 11th of September that the first Regia meeting since February was held. They organize prayer meetings via Zoom, What’s App and Google Teams. Two Thanksgiving Masses were held on 7th September. They finish by wishing congratulations to all the members and long life to the Legion of Mary.
EUROPE - AUSTRIA - Senatus of Austria: Centenary celebrations in Vienna started with Mass on September 3rd followed by street apostolate. On Saturday 4th September there was a procession with the Rosary to St. Stephen’s Cathedral followed by Holy Mass celebrated by the Bishop. The attendance was approximately 600. On Sunday 5th of September a Mariological congress was held and the celebrations concluded with Holy Mass in the Cathedral. Extension efforts are ongoing. A praesidium of 10 members and 44 auxiliaries visits families of first Holy Communion children with the statue of Our Lady, street apostolate and visits to auxiliaries. 2 legionaries do catechises for Albanians. A Persian praesidium of 4 members care for Persians who are preparing for or are newly baptized. Plans are in progress for a second Persian praesidium in Vienna. Innisbruck Comitium and Salzburg Curia are both engaged in recruiting and extension. Graz and Klagenfurt Comitium carried out a mini PPC was in Villach where 23 young and 7 young at heart legionaries took part. Contacts were made with over 1000 people. The upper Austria Curia attached to the Comitium had a statue of St Joseph in circulation on the occasion of the year of St. Joseph.
ASIA – INDONESIA - Jakarta Senatus: Meetings are taking place on line. On 7th June the Senatus successfully launched ‘Can we be Saints’ and ‘Frank Duff: one of the best’ in Indonesian language versions on the occasion of a webinar attended by 400 on Zoom and thousands on YouTube. Other events held to mark the Centenary included a virtual choir competition with 500 participants. The canvas banner with the Centenary Logo, which had been travelling through the Senatus area, reaching places as far away as Sumatera Island and Kalimantan, returned for the closing Mass on 11th September. This was celebrated by Cardinal Ignatius with 100 attending.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, November 7, 2021
CENTRAL AMERICA – NICARAGUA - Regia of Managua: The Regia continues to hold monthly meetings with a smaller attendance. Every Saturday a Legion program is broadcast from Radio Maria. Reports indicate that legionaries have been participating in the various parish activities – such as sanitizing and cleaning of churches etc. All councils organized a Mass on or near the 7th of September as well as a Dawn Rosary on the 4th of September. An attached praesidium maintains contact with some parishioners via the telephone and the recitation of the Rosary via Facebook.
EUROPE - IRELAND - DUBLIN - Our Lady of Fatima Curia: As parish centers and rooms are not yet opened to the public, praesidium and Curia meetings have yet to resume. Sadly, some active members have had to cease active membership for health and/or family reasons. For the Legion Centenary, members of one praesidium erected the Legion altar beside Our Lady’s altar in the parish church. It was on display for two days. A framed picture of Frank Duff was placed on Our Lady’s altar. Prayer and explanatory leaflets with a contact number for the local praesidium were placed nearby. At Mass on Tuesday 7th of September, the parish priest gave a short but inspiring few words on the Legion and appealed for new members, resulting in some inquiries about the Legion from parishioners.
ASIA – MYANMAR: The Legion’s Centenary was marked by each council arranging an online Eucharistic celebration. The aim was thanksgiving and to pray for departed legionaries. Some events were live streamed. A few could not hold events even online due to the civil war. 100 participated on Zoom for the Senatus celebration with the Senatus and 4 Comitia hosting daily from 10 to 11.30 a.m. They said it was a joy for members to see each other.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, October 3, 2021
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, October 3, 2021
North America
CANADA: Toronto Senatus: 227 new subscribers were signed up for Maria Legionis. An online conference and workshop, in May had 204 legionaries attending. In Ottawa Regia, Zoom facilitated seminars and links with Concilium to ‘Fridays with Frank’, ‘Rosary & Ramblings’ and celebrating St. Joseph’s Year. The Scarborough Comitium had 140 attending a virtual retreat conducted by their Spiritual Director, Fr. Bryk, and with the theme, ‘Call to holiness’.
USA: Philadelphia Senatus: The Senatus was commended on keeping their website up-to-date at this time. Works permitted in Pittsburgh Regia included Pilgrim Statue visits, rosary rallies, and distributing scapulars and prayer shawls. They held virtual men’s conferences, bible study and phone calls to auxiliaries and the sick. Allentown Curia attended rosary rallies and sent prayer cards to nursing homes and to prisoners. Bucks County Curia visited police stations, EMT’s and fire departments with MMs and literature. The Editor of Maria Legionis, Sr. Edel Lukens has maintained production of the journal for the USA during the pandemic.
Houston Senatus: Northwest Curia continued the October Rosary Challenge for the 5th year by contacting about 600 people by emails, texts, Facebook and phone calls with good results. In May, the Senatus celebrated the 77th Anniversary of the death of Venerable Edel Quinn with a Rosary and Holy Mass.
WEST INDIES: Dominican Republic: Santiago de los Caballeros Senatus, some praesidia resumed and communications with all the councils is good. Handbook study is encouraged. Centenary celebrations will begin on 4 September in the Grotto of Our Lady of Altagracia. Different councils will host activities throughout the year. Their weekly radio program transmitted by Radio Light and Facebook is giving great results. A Marian Jubilee year commenced on 15 August to honour the one hundred years of the Coronation of “Our Lady of Altagracia” as their Patron.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, September 12, 2021
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, September 12, 2021
EUROPE – ITALY - Rome Senatus:
While in lockdown sends a monthly newsletter to Councils. Some are meeting and keeping in regular contact with the Senatus.
Rimini Comitium started extension in San Marino and Cesena, but difficulty in continuing for the present. The Senatus is unable to fulfil their planned Centenary celebrations. Spiritual Director Mons. La Rosa is arranging for legionaries to join with Pope Francis on the 5th Sept. in reciting the Angelus in St Peters Square after which the Pope will give a short message for the legionaries.
Pavia Curia are restricted to meeting at the Church. Legionaries are giving Catechism classes. The Acies to be held later. A visit to Rome on the 5th Sept. discussed. No communication was received from Genoa Comitium.
Turin praesidia: Two praesidia in the city, one continues to hold its meetings and organized the Acies. The other started last year, now closed, however, they pray a virtual rosary daily.
Asti Curia is holding virtual meetings and are doing a virtual apostolate and help with activities in the Sanctuary.
Padua Comitium has 7 praesidia directly attached. Comitium meetings still not allowed. Some praesidia hold meetings however, legion work is not done. Legionaries keep in touch by phone and letters and ask for prayers at this difficult time. Some legionaries have died including Fr. Raffacle who was quite young and a great supporter of the Legion, leaving a huge void.
AFRICA – UGANDA - Uganda Senatus:
The recent total lockdown has eased but Churches will remain closed for the present. Sadly, a large number of people have died due to the Corona Virus including legionaries and Legion meetings are in abeyance. Legionaries are praying the Legion Prayers from their homes and especially at the time they would be at their Praesidia meetings. A number of Curiae have formed Rosary Groups following the 24 HR Rosary Initiative.
On 7th September the Centenary Celebrations will be inaugurated with Mass at Nsambya Parish, where Venerable Edel was received on arrival in Uganda. Mass will be celebrated in English with a small attendance. Legionaries will follow the Mass on Radio Maria Uganda. Concilium will be notified of further Centenary events. In the last few months, the Senatus suffered the loss of the Archbishop of Kampala, His Grace Dr Cyprian Kizito Lwanga who was very supportive of the Legion and a short while later the Spiritual Director Fr. Walakira died after a long illness.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, June 13, 2021
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, June 13, 2021
All extracts today are from Mexico to show differences between regions.
Mexico City Senatus: The Senatus printed the Spanish version of Miracles on Tap and it has already been widely distributed. They are now planning to print “A Man for Our Times”. The Senatus has been keeping in touch with attached councils by Zoom. They encouraged the Puebla Regia to hold Virtual Regia meetings. Plans for the Centenary celebrations include study of Miracles on Tap. Attached councils have been asked to submit a short video competition on one of the 3 Causes or Miracles on Tap. Praesidia are being encouraged to set up junior praesidia. The Comitium of Oaxaca reports the presence of the Legion in 2 of the 3 dioceses and 1 of the 2 prelatures.
Merida Senatus: The Senatus continues to hold the Senatus meetings by virtual means. It is a means of keeping in contact with the attached councils and praesidia, they are also keeping in touch by digital means. Most of the active legionaries are helping in their parishes with stewarding and cleaning.
Comitium Nuestra Señora De la Anunciacion reported very sad news, the death of 130 legionaries from Covid-19. A praesidium reported 8 Frank Duff prayer meeting groups and one Patrician group.
Monterrey Regia: The Regia have returned to meet in person very recently. Legion works have been reduced and where possible carried out with caution. Some works are praying with the families of deceased. Little processions through the streets, encouraging the families to put an altar in the doorway and to receive the blessing of the priest. Leading the Miraculous Medal novena and distributing the medal.
Guadalajara Regia: The Regia has returned to meeting in person in April. A number of praesidia have also returned to meeting in person. They carried out works which were possible and helpful during the Pandemic such as Rosaries at wakes and funerals, inviting parishioners to take part in parish activities by Zoom and other permitted parish works, helping with the Internet activity in the parish.
Durango Regia: With the exception of a few praesidia in remote areas all meetings are held by Zoom. The correspondent encourages them to be positive and creative although they haven’t been sending correspondence except by WhatsApp. The bishops in the attached Comitium of Mazatlan area encourage care and caution, they also asked the legionaries to care for the priests of the dioceses. A number of priests have died from Covid-19. The president of the Comitium is very active even though her husband died recently.
Hermosillo Regia: The Regia and attached councils have continued meeting but mostly by Zoom. Their Spiritual Director outlined the value of personal contact and encouraged return to normal meetings as soon as permitted. The attached Curia of Tijuana is preparing a programme to celebrate the year of St. Joseph. Contact with the sick and house bound is made by telephone. Covid-19 restrictions are observed while reciting outdoor rosaries.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, Sunday, May 16, 2021
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, May 16, 2021
SOUTH AMERICA – PERU - Senatus of Lima: Since November 2020, three Praesidia, 10 Curiae and 5 Comitia have reported. The Praesidia meet physically but the councils meet virtually, with the exception of 3 Curiae in Huancavelica where the Spiritual Directors provided rooms big enough to allow the Curiae to meet physically and still satisfy the safety protocols. Elderly legionaries without phones are visited. A novena was organized for the success of the Centenary. A three-day online Art and Spirituality workshop in honor of Frank Duff was organized by the Senatus. The Senatus officers join the virtual meetings of those councils reporting in a particular month. One of the benefits of the pandemic is that distant councils now virtually attend the Senatus meeting; the February meeting had 157 in ‘attendance’ online.
ASIA – PHILIPPINES - Western Visayas Senatus: Church organizations are still not permitted to open. They are discussing the Centenary. The Legion in the Archdiocese of Jaro celebrated its 75th Anniversary Mass on September 7th 2020 online. Cebu Senatus: No meetings taking place yet, some virtual meetings and Rosary gatherings take place. The correspondent writes monthly and gives information about the online initiatives organized by Deus et Patria such as the Mary Conferences, daily Rosary etc. Bicolandia Senatus and Mindano Senatus: Corespondents write monthly - little news coming forth and no meetings taking place since February 2020 except a few in the south of the country. Senatus of Northern Philippines: (Manila) No meetings as yet, though Zoom Senatus meetings take place. Senatus discuss the Centenary and have a request to the Archbishop for a centenary prayer for each month leading up to September celebrations.
IRISH PROVINCIAL REPORT – Cork Comitia: The President keeps in contact with all the attached praesidia and councils on a regular basis. They all report that they are in good spirits, miss their meetings, and the social aspect as well. Speaking to some of the legionaries, they report that they phone each other on a regular basis. Some praesidia arrange to have a Spiritual Rosary at a particular time of the day among the members. One praesidium holds a weekly Zoom meeting with members joining from Dublin and Manchester. The Comitium is currently planning their Acies to be held virtually at the end of the month. The plan is to hold the Acies at St. Mary’s Church, Popes Quay with two to three members of the local praesidium attending to represent the Comitium and the attached councils. It will be streamed live on YouTube. Queen of Peace Curia hold Zoom meetings.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, May, 2021
Concilium Extracts for May, 2021
SOUTH AFRICA – Senatus of Lesotho: Normally has a three-day conference in December. Due to Covid it could not be held in 2020. Instead a similar one-day event took place on Radio Maria Lesotho commencing at 8 a.m. and concluding with Mass at 5 p.m. The day included talks and discussion. The main contributor was Fr. Sekoati who unfortunately has since died. The Senatus Spiritual Director, Fr. Tiaba was to be the main celebrant at the funeral and sadly he died on his way to it. Due to a second lockdown legion meetings have not been held since Christmas. It is hoped to have Acies ceremonies on 27th March on Radio Maria if not possible publicly.
NEW ZEALAND - Auckland Senatus: Works reported; door to door visitation, statue visitation and DVD Catholic Movie nights. 2 homes enthroned to the Sacred Heart. 71 Brown Scapular enrolments in one curia area and 27 in another praesidium. 80 attended a Rosary procession in October. The primary schools are visited to promote and recite the Rosary. A praesidium of 12 had 2 marriages rectified, 4 returns to Mass, l death bed conversion and 2 cancer patients received into the church.
Senatus of Northern Philippines. (Manila) No meetings as yet, though Zoom Senatus meetings take place. Senatus discuss the Centenary and have a request to the Archbishop for a centenary prayer for each month leading up to September celebrations.
Cebu Senatus: No meetings taking place yet, some virtual meetings and Rosary gatherings take place. The correspondent writes monthly and gives information about the online initiatives organised by Deus et Patria such as the Mary Conferences, daily Rosary etc.
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, April 11, 2021
Concilium Extracts for Sunday, April 11, 2021
SOUTH AMERICA– ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Senatus: A 10-day Peregrinatio Pro Christo project on Zoom was carried out by legionaries from Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. Home visitation was the main apostolate done by the pairs of legionaries who had contacts lasting from 20 minutes to an hour. Those visited were amazed and thrilled to be contacted. The normal PPC daily program was followed. A weeklong parish mission was also done on Zoom with a priest, a nun and 10 legionaries. Families in Colombia and Mexico were visited, and a good dialogue was possible. Each day Mass and Adoration were part of the invitation given to those visited. The Senatus have monthly committee meetings for correspondents, Alfie Lambe group, extension, PPC, centenary program, school for officers, and handbook study committee. These meetings have a good attendance. A legionary said recently it is easy to recruit new members for her virtual Praesidium meeting. She even got members of her family to join her Praesidium. The Senatus had their first Legion congress on Zoom with 96 legionaries present from their directly affiliated Praesidia. In one area of Argentina, it is possible now to have weekly Praesidia meetings in the parish. Home to home visitation has restarted when the two legionaries converse with families at the 2-meter distance. Some legionaries say it is a great time for Legion work and prayer as we have more time to give to the things in life that are important.
EUROPE – HUNGARY Budapest Regia: This report covers August and September Regia meetings. Due to the pandemic the President advised legionaries to keep contact via phone. A letter is being sent each month from the Regia whether there is a meeting or not. The Acies ceremony was held by each council and those who were unable to attend made it in their own homes. A significant work of the Regia is the nine-hour Vigil which has been running for 23 years from 8pm each Thursday to 5am Friday in the chapel of St Stephen’s Basilica in Budapest. On March 26th 2020, they were forced to cease this Vigil. From May 21st they started live streaming it on YouTube until the second wave of the pandemic reached dangerous proportions. At the August and September Regia meetings reports were received from 3 praesidia and 3 Curiae. Works include visitation of elderly in hospitals, recitation of prayers with the sick in social welfare homes, helping the sick to get to Mass, support to families living on the edge of society and care of the church. Legionaries in one Curia remarked that during the pandemic there is an increased demand for God.